February means the month of FP4 started! I think most film photographers could name THE Ilford film, i.e. HP5; and possibly the C41 BW XP2; and the newest color film on the market – Harman Phoenix. However, there are a lot more good everyday films that are not as popular, such as FP4. To be honest, this is the first time I have shot FP4, so the campaign to shoot FP4 is getting more people, such as me, to explore other options!

Camera settings: ISO is set to box speed at 125. Daylight shots were done at f/5.6 and 1/125s; night shots were done on a tripod with a release at f/8 and 1/4s, but compensated when it gets bright. Focus is set to infinity mostly.

We had a quick meal at Panera, which is a place I’ve not been in years, possibly a decade. The sun was very harsh, and I got some amazing shots around the neighborhood sandwich shop. I’m kind of proud!

After sundown, it was the annual Portland Winter Light Festival, and this year, I decided to bring a film camera. The event started later than I thought, so I only captured a single shot of the fireball on film. The others were all around Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall with the famous Portland sign… except I guess the R went out, so it is Potland?

Onto the film review. Let’s go with the meh, it is okay at night, as in the film had decent exposure at night, but I don’t care for them. Maybe I was assuming an ISO 100 film would do better at night – I’m unsure. The three shots I took around Panera, on the other hand, were stunning. I love the slightly blown-out highlight and the complete darkness in the shadow. Even the flatter shot was good, showing the versatility of the film. I like it, and I bought a batch of expired FP4, so I’ll be shooting a lot of these down the road!
Date: Feb 1st, 2024.
Issue 89. Volume 14. Chapter 1. MA218_P67