New color film in 2020? Silberra? What is going on?
It turned out that Silberra, a film company based in Russia, was able to get their hands on, possibly, some Kodak Aerocolor film. Silberra wasn’t the only company that managed to snag some of these, but they had the best advertisements and distribution to the rest of the world. As a result, camera shops around the world started to carry 120 and 35mm versions of Silberra color 50, 100 and 160 film. These do not seem like expired film, so online consensus believe these to be either fresh, or well frozen, Kodak Aerocolor film (which was orderable from Kodak themselves, at a very high price). One might not be happy with their treatment of kick starters backers, but they are doing a great job distributing a hard to find emulsion in 35mm and 120 around the world. (well, until March 2022, when countries began to put embargo on Russia, due to the invasion in Ukraine)
I shot all three rolls of film in mid-summer of 2021, as they became available locally. I have seen them months earlier on their official website, but didn’t want to pay for shipping from Russia. Only this roll was shot on the Olympus XA2, thus all exposures were automatic. It might be due to the camera, because the colors and exposure from the Color 160 is the best of the bunch. We were hiking towards McNeil Point in Mt. Hood National Forest, and the day was beautiful. The shot here show the amazing vista of the Cascade range.
[Olympus XA2 | Silberra Color 160]
[Olympus XA2 | Silberra Color 160]
[Olympus XA2 | Silberra Color 160]
[Olympus XA2 | Silberra Color 160]
[Olympus XA2 | Silberra Color 160]
[Olympus XA2 | Silberra Color 160]